Bacillus subtilis

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BACTOFIT® is a biological product meant to control fungal and bacterial diseases in grain, vegetable and fruit crops, in berries, flowers and medicinal herbs. Bactofit® is manufctured based on ИПМ-215 strain of Bacillus subtilis,product commodity forms are suspended concentrate (SC) and wettable powder (WP). The product remains active in soil and plants during 7-20 days.
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The product range: Scope:

Bactofit comprises spores and cells of culture producer, metabolites with antagonistic and antibiotic properties, inert fillers providing product integrity and stability. Upon request, potassium (sodium) humate, Mn, S, Cu, B, Fe, Zn, Mo may be added into the product.
Shelf life: Bactofit SC - 6 months at (-5) - (+30)°С. Bactofit WP – 30 months at (-30) - (+ 30)°С.
Packaging: Bactofit SCis packed by 10-20 L into polyethylene drums, Bactofit WP is pecked by 15 kg, 20 kg into hermetically sealed polyethylene bags, then into multiwall paper bags.

Main characteristics
Item Standard Standard
Commodity form Suspended concentrate
Wettable powder (WP)
Appearance and colour Brown to dark-brown liquid
Pale-gray to pale-brown powder
Biological activity, U/g (U/cm3) N.l.t. 10000 N.l.t. 10000
Diameter of zone of inhibited phytopathogens
Verticillium dahlie, mm, n.l.t.
20 20
Spore titre, 10 9 spores/g (spores/cm3), n.l.t. 2,0 2,0

Bactofit® is meant to:
  • Treat seeds and tubers prior to bedding
  • Treat root system by deplantation
  • Plant spraying or root watering by vegetation period
  • Application with herbicides.
Technology of Bactofit® application depends on plant development stage.
Maximum effeciency is reached when preseeding treatment accompanied by vegetative plant treatment.
Grain crops treatment with Bactofit® is recommended to combine with chemical weeding by herbicides.
In this case Bactofit has an antistress effect and increases grain yield capacity up to 15% (depending on herbisides applied).

  • Supresses growth and development of vide variety of infecting agents
  • Has growth-stimulating, immunomodulating and antistress effects
  • Active in moisture stress conditions
  • May be applied at any stage of plant development
  • One day safety interval makes it possible to treat plants at fruit ripening stage
  • Is not phytotoxic
  • Is not accumulated in treated plants and soil
  • Is compatible with chemical pesticides in tank mixtures and within integrated plant protection system
  • Does not cause phytopathogen resistance, thus may be applied continually untill positive result is achieved
  • Safe for people, warm-blooded animals, birds, fish, bees and environmental friendly.

Most abundet diseases effectively controlled by Bactofit®
Crop Disease Consumption rate
Bactofit SC
Consumption rate
Bactofit WP
Стадия обработки
Grain crops
(winter and
Spring grains)
Root rot
Septoria blight
Fusarium blight
Pyrenophora blight
3 L/t - Seed treatment 1-5 days prior to bedding.
Working liquid consumption rate: 10 L/t.
Treatment quantity: 1.
2 L/t - Spraying at vegetative stage.
Working liquid consumption rate: 200-300 L/ha.
Treatment quantity: 1-2.
Vegetable crops Root rot
Buck eye rot
Bacterial blights
- 2-5 g/kg Seed treatment prior to bedding
- 2-14 kg/ha Spraying at vegetative stage.
Fruit crops and berries Mildew
- 3-10 kg/ha Spraying at vegetative stage, root watering.
Grapes Oidium 2-3 L/t - Spraying at vegetative stage.
Flowers and medicinal herbs Root rot - 2-5 g/kgг Seed treatment prior to bedding.
Mildew 1,5-7 kg/ha Spraying at vegetative stage.


In December 2012 "Sibbiopharm" received a certificate of international certification body TUV NORD CERT (Germany) according to the quality management system ISO 9001: 2008. The company received the right to use the mark TUV NORD CERT

Since 2009, "Sibbiopharm", entered in the Federal Register of reliable suppliers.

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