Promotional materials
This section contains additional information materials for consumers and partners.
All documents are placed in sections laid in accessible formats and are available for printing and duplicating with the obligatory reference to the source informatsii.Dlya protection authorization documents from unauthorized downloading and printing it on these documents watermark copyright.
Viewing documents is possible in the AdobeReader. Print documents without watermarks copyright is only possible with the permission of the software company "Sibbiofarm" on request.
Base of permits supplemented and updated regularly. We advise you to check for updates.

Product catalogs
In section publishes colorful brochures describing the products of the enterprise, grouped by application. In the content directory shows the range of products, characteristics, mechanism of action, advantages, conditions of storage and packaging of drugs.
Go to sectionFlyers
In section publishes colorful leaflets with description of a particular product. The content of the leaflet contains the composition, characteristics, mechanism of action, advantages, storage conditions and packaging of the drug.
Go to sectionProduct presentations
The section presents the publications in the press about our requested, the reports of representatives of cibiogem with various conferences, exhibitions, seminars.
Go to sectionGuide of microbiologist
Section summary Glossary of microbiological terms with a detailed description.
Source: L. B. Borisov, I. S. Freidlin quick reference microbiological terminology. Publishing House "Medicine", Moscow, 1975