On 5th October, 2017 the seminar on «Using of products in feeding of poultry» has been carried out at «SIBBIOPHARM». The seminar was attended by specialists from leading poultry farms, premix and feed mills in the country.
T. Lenkova, Doctor of Agricultural Science, Full Professor, with the report «Nontraditional forages and new possibilities of their using in poultry farming», M. Leonova, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, with report «Enzymatic inactivation of mycotoxins. Research of sorbent Fungisorb», V. Vertiprakhov, Doctor of Biological Sciences with report «Peculiarities of digestion of poultry and physiological methods of increasing its productivity» spoke at the seminar.
Specialists of "Sibiopharm" highlighted important issues of increasing of rate of growing poultry with the use of new enzymatic solutions.
The proprietary program for the using of Biocycle enzymes was offered on the fodder production market from «Sibbiopharm».

T. Lenkova, Doctor of Agricultural Science, Full Professor, with the report «Nontraditional forages and new possibilities of their using in poultry farming»

V. Vertiprakhov, Doctor of Biological Sciences with report «Peculiarities of digestion of poultry and physiological methods of increasing its productivity»

T. Lenkova, Doctor of Agricultural Science, Full Professor, with the report «Nontraditional forages and new possibilities of their using in poultry farming», M. Leonova, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, with report «Enzymatic inactivation of mycotoxins. Research of sorbent Fungisorb», V. Vertiprakhov, Doctor of Biological Sciences with report «Peculiarities of digestion of poultry and physiological methods of increasing its productivity» spoke at the seminar.
Specialists of "Sibiopharm" highlighted important issues of increasing of rate of growing poultry with the use of new enzymatic solutions.
The proprietary program for the using of Biocycle enzymes was offered on the fodder production market from «Sibbiopharm».

T. Lenkova, Doctor of Agricultural Science, Full Professor, with the report «Nontraditional forages and new possibilities of their using in poultry farming»

V. Vertiprakhov, Doctor of Biological Sciences with report «Peculiarities of digestion of poultry and physiological methods of increasing its productivity»