Conference on the topic of “Enhancement of yield and export potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Quarantine prophylactic regulations based on microbiological method. Organic resolutions in agriculture” took place in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan at 12 of February.
The conference was organized by council of the owners of farms, dehqan farms and garden plots of Uzbekistan under the patronage of the Department of Agriculture and the Quarantine State Inspection of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Leader specialists of AIC, plant protection product manufacturers, scientists and specialists of quarantine service took part in the event.
Chekalin I.A. the leader of the PPP department of “Sibbiopharm” Ltd. delivered the report “Features of application of biological agents manufactured by “Sibbiofarm” Ltd.”. The specialist described plant protection products and natural plant growth promoter manufactured by the company. Insecticides: Lepodocide. Biovert; insectoacaricide: Bytoxybacillin, fungicide: Bactofit have proven their effectiveness against pests and against development of pesticide resistance.
Resistance of pests to chemical pesticides is a global problem of modern agricultural industry. Replacing or cycling of chemical pesticides with biological PPP supports effectiveness of prophylactics of development of resistance. Adaptation of products of “Sibbiopharm” Ltd. into modern crop production allows to successfully control pests and diseases without reduction of productivity and without any environmental damage.