New Confirmations of application of our plantprotection products in organic agriculturereceivedWith each year, the share of organic agricultural production in the world is growing.
New Confirmations of application of our plantprotection products in organic agriculturereceivedWith each year, the share of organic agricultural production in the world is growing.
Not only ecological cleanliness, but carrying out agricultural activities in a way safe forecosystem are the contributing factors. «Sibbiopharm» Ltd. supports organic farming. Biological plant protection productsmanufactured by our company contain natural components and are, thus, safe for human healthand environment. Today, on 18.02.2021, «Sibbiopharm» Ltd. renewed its Organic Standard confirmation,which authorizes the company to carry out activities related to production and distribution ofinputs for organic agricultural production according to the International accredited certificationbodies equivalent European Union organic production & processing standard for third countrieswhich is equivalent to the EU regulations No. 834/2007 and 889/2008.The following products:Lepidocide®SC,Bactofit®SP, Bactofit®SC,Gibbersib®P,Bitoxibacillin®P, Azofit® now have an official confirmation of theirappropriateness for use in organic agricultural production.